To change and change: each other, our environment, the country - this is what we strive for, this is what we do every day. We want to do more and we can do it with your support!
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Bank details
БЛАГОДІЙНА ОРГАНІЗАЦІЯ «БЛАГОДІЙНИЙ ФОНД «ФОНД КЛИЧКО» Юридична адреса: 01001, м.Київ, вул. Хрещатик, 48Б
Bank details
Ідентифікаційний код: 26410014 Розрахунковий рахунок в гривні: № UA 91 305749 000000 2600131109702 Банк: АТ Банк «Кредит Дніпро» м.Київ МФО 305749
Additional information
Призначення платежу: Благодійний внесок. Отримувач не є платником ПДВ. Система оподаткування: не є платником податків на загальних підставах. Директор Фонду: Осадча Ангеліна Василівна.
Bank details
Name of Banking Institution: JOINT STOCK COMPANY PJSC 'BANK CREDIT DNEPR' Bank Address: 01601, Kyiv, 3 Mechnykova str., Ukraine
Additional information
Account Number USD: UA91 305749 000000 2600131109702 Banking Institution Swift Code: CRDEUA2N Payment for “Voluntary charity”
Bank details
Name of Banking Institution: JOINT STOCK COMPANY PJSC 'BANK CREDIT DNEPR' Bank Address: 01601, Kyiv, 3 Mechnykova str., Ukraine
Additional information
Account Number EUR: UA91 305749 000000 2600131109702 Banking Institution Swift Code: CRDEUA2N Payment for “Voluntary charity”
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One-time donation
Immediately to the main

Monthly donation
In development
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Your contribution to the project
If you donate more than 100000 UAH, please make a bank transfer using the following details.
If you donate more than 3000 USD, please make a bank transfer using the following details.
If you donate more than 3000 EUR, please make a bank transfer using the following details.
Enter your contact details and support payments
I agree that the personal information entered by me will be used in accordance with the Fund's Privacy Policy

Choose a project
Available: 11-
- Completed projects
- Online
- Teens
Interexchange AcademyAn international educational project for teenagers aged 16-17 from Ukraine and Germany who want to l...123 of 321 ₴ collected by 8/21/2024 -
- Active projects
- Offline
- Teachers
Play for equalityPlay for Equality is an educational and sports project designed for physical education teachers and ...0 of 0 ₴ collected by 3/20/2025 -
- Active projects
- Offline
- Online
- Teens
RozkvitayEducational platform to support the mental health of teenagers...0 of 0 ₴ collected by 1/1/0001 -
- Active projects
- Offline
- Students
- Teens
Call your friends — let's play together!A competition among secondary schools to install a sports ground that unites local communities and p...5675646 of 76534242 ₴ collected by 1/1/0001 -
- Completed projects
- Offline
- Teens
School of ResilienceAn educational project for Ukrainian youth who want to shape their future in Ukraine and are looking...0 of 0 ₴ collected by 10/9/2024 -
- Completed projects
- Online
- Teens
Aspen Teens: fight for UA dreamAn educational project for teenagers, where they will express their opinions on the future of Ukrain...0 of 0 ₴ collected by 6/19/2024 -
- Active projects
- Offline
- Teachers
Safe learningAn educational project for school teachers aimed at helping school environments become more resilien...0 of 0 ₴ collected by 1/1/0001 -
- Active projects
- Offline
- Teachers
First Aid ProjectProject for teachers and students aims to teach first aid...0 of 0 ₴ collected by 1/1/0001 -
- Completed projects
- Offline
- Teachers
Falling walls lab KyivAn online educational project aimed at developing communication skills through volunteering....12345 of 54321 ₴ collected by 9/23/2024 -
- Impactum
- Completed projects
- Offline
- Parents
School of successAn educational digital project about 21st century skills for teenagers who want to become change-mak...5000 of 50000 ₴ collected by 7/13/2023 -
- Completed projects
- Offline
Building a sporty Ukraine togetherAll-Ukrainian social program aimed at developing sports in Ukraine. ...49290 of 129800 ₴ collected by 6/24/2023
Choose how you want to support us

One-time donation
Immediately to the main

Monthly donation
In development
Enter the amount
If you donate more than 100000 UAH, please make a bank transfer using the following details.
If you donate more than 3000 USD, please make a bank transfer using the following details.
If you donate more than 3000 EUR, please make a bank transfer using the following details.
Enter your contact details and support payments
I agree that the personal information entered by me will be used in accordance with the Fund's Privacy Policy

Thank you!
Thanks to you, someone has become closer to their goal!