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The project is designed to provide the hospital with high-quality equipment that will reduce the number of new diseases and the spread of diseases within the hospital.
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According to a study by GFK (Growth for Knowledge), 70% of Ukrainian children have chronic diseases due to environmental problems and heavy pollution. Most Ukrainian hospitals lack the necessary equipment and are unable to provide proper treatment. This problem is especially acute in regions remote from economic centers. The Lviv Regional Children's Clinical Hospital receives children with the most complex pathologies and disorders from all over western Ukraine. Hundreds of children are admitted to the hospital every year with the hope of being cured and saved. The capacity of the Lviv Oblast Children's Hospital is not enough to monitor all the vital signs of patients, and this creates a great risk. That is why the hospital needs additional equipment to monitor patients' vital signs.


Ensure that children and youth can receive quality medical care.

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    A municipal institution of the Lviv Oblast Council, the Lviv Oblast Children's Clinical Hospital OKHMATDYT is an independent specialized healthcare facility that provides highly qualified inpatient and consultative outpatient medical care to children in the Lviv Oblast.



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We have been helping the Lviv Regional Children's Clinical Hospital "OKHMATDYT" since 2017.


Throughout the year, we continued our long-term cooperation with the Klitschko Foundation. In 2019-2020, the Foundation provided us with urgently needed sterilization equipment. In 2020, we received a bedside patient monitor on the balance sheet of our institution. At OKHMATDYT, the safety of each patient and the provision of conditions for fast, effective treatment are extremely important to us. In addition to the professional training of doctors, the support of organizations such as the Klitschko Foundation helps us to achieve this. Next year, we will continue to improve the work of our institution so that every patient feels the highest level of safety and professionalism of our doctors.
Olena Berezovska
Deputy Chief Medical Officer of the Medical Department of the Lviv Regional Children's Clinical Hospital "Okhmatdyt"
Most hospitals in Ukraine need systematic funding for repairs and replacement of outdated equipment. And in those medical facilities where surgeries are performed, modern sterilization is a top priority. That is why cooperation with public organizations, charitable foundations and private investors is an integral part of our hospital's work. Such cooperation helps us to expand the scope of services and reduce the time spent by patients in the hospital - children recover faster because they receive quality services.
Mykhailo Ivaniv
Deputy Chief Medical Officer of the Lviv Regional Children's Clinical Hospital "OKHMATDYT"
Every hospital should have such sterilization devices at a decent level to ensure maximum protection of people. After our hospital got acquainted with the Foundation, something inside each employee turned upside down and changed their outlook. Now there is a feeling that everything is real, the main thing is to try. The attitude to work and the atmosphere in the team have changed. We are now more confident in ourselves and our activities. The goals have become clearer, and you can see how to achieve them. Now we have faith that we will succeed in everything.
Mariana Voznitsa
former director of the Lviv Okhmatdyt