Who can participate?
- Teenagers
Project format
Project program
Everyone who fills out the application form will take part in an online training course that covers the main topics that are important for the development of teens.
Participants will learn the basics of financial literacy, interpersonal communication, negotiations, and public speaking. The course will also include project management, covering goal setting, timeline and budget development, team selection, and risk management. Special attention will be given to social media management, marketing basics, and digital branding. Participants will have the opportunity to master CV writing and interview preparation skills. The course also covers artificial intelligence, media literacy and cybersecurity. All participants will attend lectures and complete practical assignments.
The results of all tasks will be recorded, and based on the outcomes, 48 teenagers will be selected for the offline part of the project.
A total of 24 girls and 24 boys from Ukraine will take part in the offline part of the project.
- In the morning, a speaker will present the topic of the day to the participants.
- Then the participants will receive a social responsibility case, which they will analyse and propose their own solution based on the knowledge gained.
- In the afternoon, the participants will visit the company where the case arose and present their solution. Afterwards, they will receive feedback from the company's representatives and learn about their experience in solving this issue. They will also have the opportunity to learn more about the company's activities, development and future goals.
Before the start, participants will receive teaching materials that will cover the topics to be discussed during the project. These topics will cover social, political, legal, economic aspects, urbanism, and issues of urban and community recovery. This training format is innovative and different from traditional approaches of educational institutions, as it is based on real cases faced by leading Ukrainian companies.
Each day will be divided into 3 parts:
All participants of the offline part of the project are required to implement a local project upon returning to their communities.
Participants are free to choose the idea and format of the project. It is important that the project reflects the values and transfers the knowledge that the organisers have gained during the offline part of the project. Only those who have successfully implemented a local project will receive a certificate of participation in the project.
After these activities, we will all meet up.
We will hold a one-day meeting of the project alumni to present the results of their local projects, network among participants, and present certificates.
Timing of the project
If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail [email protected] or write to us on Instagram (@klitschkofoundation) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/KlitschkoFoundation/).
Ihor Yefymenko
Project Manager